A new installment of the Hello Paddle League Blog. Always looking for useful advice to help fans to 'make the most of' their passion for this sport, on this occasion they will talk to us about how weight can influence our health and, therefore, our way of enjoying the sport. paddle. 

Padel World Press .- Weight is one of the things that most people are unhappy with and, nevertheless, most of the time without a clear reason or just looking to fit better in some more than debatable aesthetic patterns ... But weight is also an important element for our health, especially because being at the right weight, or rather, the right body composition, reduces the risk of many pathologies and favors the proper functioning of our body. And we say body composition because depending on where that weight is, the consequences will be very different.

This is so because there is a component, in addition to body fat, that can vary in our body: we refer to muscle mass. And that is the weight that we should protect or even improve because it has a positive influence on our health. Our muscles not only have a 'mechanical' role in supporting mobility ... They also play an important metabolic role, such as protecting us from Type II Diabetes.

That's why exercise is so important. If we do not exercise, and especially if our protein intake is insufficient (because we eat poorly or make an inadequate diet), we will lose muscle mass. That's why it's important to control your weight while trying to maintain muscle mass.

For this, the two guidelines that we must follow are:

1.- Exercise.

According to the type and intensity of the exercise and our starting point (in terms of muscle mass), this exercise will serve to maintain or increase our muscle mass.

2.- To have an adequate supply of proteins.

An adequate supply of protein is not so much the amount, which on average is usually sufficient in our diet (and if not, we can always integrate supplements such as formula 1 shakes, Herbalife protein bars or soy nuts), as the quality and the times. We must provide protein to our body continuously in our diet (since it is not stored) and in a timely manner when needs increase (such as when exercising).

Fulfilling these premises, if we decide that we have to lose weight and for this we make a readjustment of our diet, decreasing calories, exercising and providing protein when necessary, we will lose fat and maintain muscle mass.

But in addition to the importance in our health, weight also has a great importance in our sports practice. In paddle tennis, that importance of weight translates into two aspects:

1.- Performance: a low fat component allows us to be more agile and fast on the track and also tire less (having to displace a smaller mass) while a good muscle component allows us to reach more balls and print more power and speed in our shots.

2.- The injuries: An excess of weight accentuates the impact on the lower extremities and spine and favors the appearance of discomfort or injury due to overload. A lack of proper muscle support causes our joints and tendons to suffer more and more 'accidents' and overloads to occur.

Therefore, as we see, weight is important, understood as an adequate body composition. Because if we go to the extremes, we will be damaging an excess of fat but also a muscle deficit.

In the end it is about achieving a healthy balance, which will give us the regular practice of our favorite exercise along with the regular practice of a good diet.

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