Padel World Press .- Miguel Sciorilli, trainer of some of the most important pairs in the world of paddle tennis, continues with his particular series of practical lessons in video, destined so that all the practitioners of this wonderful sport can improve their game. A fantastic way to learn from their experience and infinite knowledge to compete at the highest level.

In this new installment, the preparer he will tell us about the importance of adopting a flexed position in the back of the court as well as the benefits he will give to our game that, above all, will be related to balance, ease of movement and reaction capacity.

First Miguel Sciorilli will shed all the virtues of being crouched in our reception position. To begin, it will be much easier to make the displacements and lateral adjustments, so we will get much better to reach and return the ball. Being flexed will also have much more balance than if we are upright.

Another factor that should not be overlooked is that we will have better visibility of the trajectory of the ball that comes to us ... And it is not the same to see a low ball from above than to do it at the same height. We can view your address in a simple way, so the reception will be more accurate as well.

With all this in mind, we will have to put this reception position into practice at the back of the court. Once we apply your suggestions, we will check that no more than 3 steps are necessary to be able to return any ball that arrives from the other side of the track. Therefore, we will win above all in efficiency and comfort when it comes to defending, which will become essential to emerge victorious from each match we play.

Then we leave you in full the new video Miguel Sciorilli, available in his official profile of Facebook.

Very excited about this new project, Miguel said: "I await your comments and share it with your friends, I'll see you next week".

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