Padel World Press .- Miguel Sciorilli, coach of some of the most important pairs in the world of padel, continues with his particular series of practical lessons in video, designed so that all practitioners of this wonderful sport can improve their game. A fantastic way to learn from their experience and infinite knowledge to compete at the highest level.

In this new installment, the preparer will explain how to improve our settings on the track background and it will offer us a specific suggestion so that we can move more effectively to obtain a better response capacity from this position.

In the first place, Miguel Sciorilli will give us some basic notions about what are these settings, which are defined as the previous movements that we made to hit a ball coming from the opponent. What we seek with them is to position ourselves so that our reaction is as effective as possible.

In this type of situation we encounter a common problem, especially when we talk about amateur level players: the coordination. At the same time that we are thinking about what movement we should make with our feet we have a ball in motion that we are going to receive and that we must hit correctly ... And that makes sometimes we forget the placement and what we are looking for is to get the ball off of us as soon as possible.

In this sense, to improve our adjustments, what Miguel Sciorilli recommends is to focus on the height of the ball that we receive To do this, he proposes a training routine in which we hit the ball always at the same height, but at different speeds and distances. If we do it, it will make it easier for us to learn to adjust naturally. The key would be to vary the exercise, practicing with different heights because in that way we would train different actions with which we could meet during the course of a game.

If we put these exercises into practice, we will notice that our adjustments are improving and that we will be doing them without realizing, unequivocal sign that we began to dominate them. In this way we will take an important step forward in our game and improve our performance on the track

Then, you can enjoy the full video posted on the official Facebook profile of Miguel Sciorilli.

Very excited about this new project, Miguel said: "I hope your comments and that they share it with their friends ... See you next week."

Source: Facebook of Miguel Sciorilli

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