In its firm and determined purpose to modernize its image and adapt to both new times and the demands of the sector, from the prestigious brand we have just shown the renewed image of its website.

Padel World Press .- In a step forward, always in line with the development of its services, Bullpadel's top managers have made one of its main objectives a reality: that of having a new web page, in which to have all the information of the firm of a more organized way

Along with the redesign of the Home Page, which is much more attractive and functional, the following sections have also been included:

- Video Section: which can be accessed both from your own Menu and from the Main Page.

- New News Section: It will be responsible for replacing the old Bullpadel Blog. Through it, will be informed in a timely manner to fans and customers of the last hour of everything that surrounds this prestigious brand.

What are you waiting to meet her? You just have to click on this link.

Bullpadel presents its new website

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