Physical Training of Strength and Power within the track

Physical Training of Strength and Power in track

Padel World Press .- For training of strength and track power we will use different elements that will help us achieve the objectives. Among them we can mention: Fitball, Bosu, Elastic Bands, etc.

We can plan these trainings in different ways since in each session we will have the option to work different muscle chains and we can also differentiate between Upper Train and Lower Train, always depending on the work we are doing during the week. The two modes are compatible and both one and the other will be very beneficial when it comes to our performance on the track.

In the photographic and video report the example we give is that of the work of muscular chains. We use an elastic band to make resistance when executing the different blows. In this type of work it is essential to take into account the safety of the player since any bad movement, or sudden, could cause us a problem.

We can perform these exercises with ball or without it. The idea and the main objective is to find the opposite resistance to the direction of the game, which makes us use both the lower and upper train to overcome this force. Here, as in all exercises where we include blows or technical gestures, we are always very rigorous in the good execution.

So we can transfer this we're working to the game. For this, in the same exercise, we include after the execution with element a series of 10 balls making the same stroke that we finished doing.

These works, without any doubt, have to be included by the monitors in their classes since they are not only for professionals. In amateur players, these types of exercises have a very large impact on their game and their performance in games.

Until next time.

Roberto Bourdet.

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Author Padel Word Press

Padel World Press is an online newspaper dedicated to the world of paddle tennis, which, during 24 hours a day, will be in charge of offering the last hour of the second most practiced sport in Spain. News, interviews, reports, analysis ... All fans can enjoy the paddle from a new point of view, always under the seriousness, journalistic rigor and knowledge of a team with more than a decade of experience in the world of paddle.

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