"What you feel is all that matters, because all that matters is made of what you feel." That philosophy made famous by Marelin Thornton will be very present in the next surprise that the prestigious firm's team prepares for its followers ... What will it be about?

Padel World Press .- They were the last years of 1960 and the first years of the 70 decade when a group of Americans made popular throughout the world the concept of 'Flower Power', as a symbol of the ideology for the nonviolence.

An inescapable reference in numerous films, series, television programs and documentaries, it will also reach the paddle ... And it will do so from one of the most 'daring' and innovative firms on the market.

Just a few days ago, through their social networks, from Sioux They anticipated that they were finishing a new surprise for the fans.

As they pointed out:

"Feel the flower? What will be next?

Let's see if you can help us find out… ”.

What will you be preparing from the 'tribe'? We will be very attentive to know the news about the arrival of Flower Power in the world of paddle tennis.

This is Sioux... Feel the Padel !!!

Siux ... And the new Flower Power?

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