Padel World Press - World Veterans Padel It was held at the end of last March in Las Vegas. Between the days March 28 and April 2l, the facilities of the Royal Racquet Academy Vegas became the venue for the second edition of the Senior World Championship, an event in which the spanish teams so much Male as feminine met all expectations and revalidated their titles as number one in the world.




In this way and under the organization of the United States Padel Association or The United States Padel Association, USPA, for its acronym in English and the International Padel Federation (FIP), an event was held in which a total of up to 32 national teams different, as well as figure that exceeds 500 players In representation of 18 countries different. Padel Our was one of the great event sponsors, showing your support for this wonderful sport in all its facets and modalities.


The Spanish teams sweep the Veterans World Cup in Las Vegas
The Spanish teams sweep the Veterans World Cup in Las Vegas


Likewise, from the Our Padel Group they are aware that padel charges every time major importance in this sport and that is gaining relevance in this American country. Precisely for this reason, they wanted to be present at the veterans competition, which constituted a Resounding success in every way and confirmed that the so-called "country
of opportunities" is ready to welcome most important challenges y events of
first magnitude in the world of paddle.



Our Padel Logo
Our Padel Logo



Regarding it, Pillar Frames, President of the United States Padel Association, said which “USPA and the United States of America showed that we are willing to
become a crucial piece of the exponential growth of padel in the coming years at a global level. We have worked very hard over the years to lay the foundations for a
sustainable development. The celebration of the Second Senior Padel World Championship through the creation of a magnificent map of alliances has allowed us to take this sport to the next level in our country. Thanks to this, we are even more motivated to achieve the ambitious goal we have set for ourselves: to have 30.000 courts and more than 8 million players in 2030”.


This is how the Spanish team looks for the Veterans World Cup
This is how the Spanish team looks for the Veterans World Cup


For its part, emilio colominaCEO of the Padel Nuestro Group, indicated the following: “For our company it has been a real pride to have been able to participate very actively in the success of this great event. With him, moreover, we have been able to feel the growing
interest that padel is beginning to awaken in the United States, where our sport is already
It is not unknown but, on the contrary, it is becoming more and more consolidated.
strength in a society with a long tradition in racket sports.
We are convinced of the great potential for the future that paddle tennis has in the United States,
so it is very important to leave our stamp of identity on the fans”.


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