Padel World Press .- Paddle is a sport that does not require a great physical preparation. It's fun, easy to practice and has a great property: its Social Character ... It is that social property that makes Many women and men who never played sports in their youth now dare to practice it in full maturity. Many couples have found in the paddle a point of union where to share a physical activity and sport.

In addition, paddle tennis contributes to greater social cohesion for all types of players from different social fields. Many of the matches end in a third time in the club cafeteria, having an aperitif, soda or beer. It is very similar to what happens in rugby matches, in which the players of the two teams comment on the meeting by having a beer.

In the Club Esportiu Laietà (Barcelona) and in many other clubs where I play padel every week, the truth is that this social character can be seen in all the championships that are held. Many of the players I play with are friends and patients at the same time. Among comments about the last clash disputed also tell me their physical discomfort (related to physical activity or not), so I earn their trust. In this way, I can convince them to follow Healthy Habits, like a proper diet or practice stretching before and after playing.

Many patients who would not go to the doctor to check themselves, out of laziness, come to me thanks to the Padel and its social character. Once in the medical consultation I can finish confirming the initial diagnosis. So, the Padel becomes, thanks to its social character, a good health tool for the players.

It is important to contemplate the paddle, as one more sport. Without minimal preparation, you can expose your body to possible injuries. It is essential to perform exercises heating before playing, as well as Stretching when finished. It is also important to sport equipment (clothes, shoes and shovel) suitable for each person. The inexperience of the beginner of the paddle can lead to a physical over-exertion of the joints, by repetitive movements or by not saving enough time of recovery, between 2-3 consecutive days playing (silent training). All this can cause injuries.

The most frequent injuries tend to be Tendinous and Muscular as well as joint injuries. The main cause of arm and elbow injury is the constant repetition of movements when hitting the ball. The most frequent injuries are usually the tendinitis of Shoulder of the rotator cuff and Elbow Tendonitis (Epicondylitis or 'tennis elbow').

Dr. Ángel Bigas Col. 25103 Sports Doctor @clinicadelpadel

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