Padel World Press .- The slopes of the Sierra Morena Club, with the support of the club clubs Play Center and El Vial, became the venue for an appointment marked by the good atmosphere and the great level of the participants, the Andalusian Minors, who shared out the Categories Benjamín, Alevín, Infantil, Cadete y Júnior.

On a sporting level, the highlight is that the Andalusian Youth started the campaign in the same way as the previous one: Confirming that it is a quarry full of players and players of spectacular talent.

In the Male Benjamin Category, Abraham Muñoz-Miguel Muñoz took the title by beating Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Antonio García by 6-0 and 7-5. Among the girls, the victory corresponded to Nerea Guerrero-Daniela Valiente, who beat Daniela Muñoz-Paola Hidalgo 6-1 and 7-6.

In Alevín, Cristian López-Jaime Puerto was 'benefited' from the withdrawal due to injury of his rivals, Pablo Babiano-Alfonso Sánchez, while, in the Women's Draw, Lucía Muñoz-Araceli Muñoz won by 6-1 and 6-3 Alicia Merenciano-Ana Pérez.

Focused on Children's Category, note that it was Víctor Tur-Jose María Aliaga who confirmed the forecasts and won over Andrés Limón-Abraham Álvarez for 7-6 and 6-2. In Infantile Femenino, the sisters Eunice María and Priscila Rodríguez had to be fully employed to defeat 6-3 and 7-6 to Beatriz Sánchez-Valeria Atencia.

In Cadete, José Mena-Ángel Díaz were proclaimed champions before Alejandro González-Álvaro Jimenez (6-2 and 6-4) while Carmen Castillón-Lorena Rufo barely gave up three games against Laura Gómez-Claudia del Coso (6-2 and 6-1).

To finish, in the Junior Table, Juan Carlos Diaz-Jairo Jose Bautista defeated by a double 6-4 Iker del Valle-Álvaro Meléndez and Bea González-Bea Caldera n failed to Araceli Martínez-Sofía Sainz (6-3 and 6- 4).

If you want to see the photo gallery of this tournament, you just have to click on this link.

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