They started the 2016 season with the firm and determined intention of letting fans know the great work they do in their factory. Step by step, with a very well defined strategy and with an increasingly active presence in social networks, they are getting their name more and more popular. As a last novelty, the company has presented us with its new web.

Padel World Press .- With a modern design, with a very clean image and, at the same time, with a very simple architecture, which allows a great comfort when it comes to browsing its contents, from MadRackets They have shown us the final result of their new official page, developed by the Torre Creativa team.

From now on, the users who visit it will be able to know all the information regarding the brand, the clients with whom they work or the products they develop in their factory, who has done R & D & i and their commitment to the materials of maximum quality one of its main hallmarks.

Very excited about the launch of their new website, MadRackets launched a contest on their Facebook profile, in which they will raffle daily tickets to attend the Reebok Sport Club La Finca Challenger. You can know all the details clicking on this link

This is MadRackets, a 'factory' characterized by being always at the forefront in terms of materials, technologies and, from now on, communication tools.

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