Committed to the mission of helping all non-profit entities whose aims are the integration of people with disabilities, from Doble Cristal, and in collaboration with the Government of Extremadura, the act of delivery of a chair for the paddle practice adapted to Javi López.

Padel World Press .- The event took place on October 18, at the facilities of the Pádel Center Club in Mérida, and was attended by Luis Alfonso Hernández Carrón, Minister of Health and Social Policy of the Government of Extremadura; Toni Pedrera, General Director of Sports; and Juan Antonio Barrios Garcia, Mayor of Fuente del Maestre.

Then a game of paddle tennis adapted in chair mode was played to show the attending public the objectives that are pursued with the methods of rehabilitation and improvement of people with disabilities. Óscar Agea, Alberto Pacho, Rubén Castilla and Javi López participated in it.

It should be remembered that Javi López is one of the best European table tennis players in wheelchairs and the leading standard-bearer in Extremadura.

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