A new delivery of the advice of the prestigious physical trainer comes to Adidas Paddle Blog. On this occasion, he will focus on the analysis of the great importance that good hydration can have.

Padel World Press .- As I almost always try, the title of my new post tries to draw your attention to explain an aspect of vital importance in the practice of paddle tennis.

It is possible that to many it may sound strange but with him, my only intention is to emphasize how important hydration can be before, during and after sports ... And, more specifically in the case of padel that , as we have already explained in other posts, it is a sport of resistance due to the accumulation of many short and intense efforts.

I think there is no one left or almost nobody who thinks that hydration is not important during the practice of paddle and, fortunately, in almost all the clubs that I move around I see that people copy the good habits of professionals, They always have bottles of water or isotonic drinks nearby during their workouts and games.

I will try to summarize the reasons why hydration is so important and that will greatly influence our performance on the track:

- Thermoregulatory function: In the Paddle practice, or from any other exercise, increases our body temperature. The main way for the body to compensate for this increase and cool itself is by shedding water through sweat. That is why we must replace the lost fluid so that the body is able to maintain this mechanism.

- Nutrition: It should not be forgotten that water plays a fundamental role in the transport of nutrients to muscle cells and in their absorption.

- Water plays a very active role in several basic functions during exercise, such as the elimination of waste substances and the lubrication of the joints. In bottled water as well as in isotonic drinks we find electrolytes and minerals (calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium,…) present in blood and other body fluids. When we sweat, we lose these electrolytes and we must replace them by taking fluids that contain them since these influence functions such as nerve transmission, muscle contraction or the regulation of PH levels (responsible for the appearance of fatigue).

To continue with my explanation of the importance of hydration, I would like to give you a series of general guidelines to carry it out in the right way:

- Before exercise: It is recommended that small intakes of water be made approximately half an hour before starting to play or train. Half a liter would be the ideal amount in this phase.

- During the exercise: Here you will have to take into account several factors such as the intensity of the training or the game, the weather conditions, etc. As a general guideline, it is recommended to drink 120ml every 10 minutes or 180ml every 20 minutes.

- Once the exercise is finished: It is a phase that few people usually give importance but is essential for muscle recovery, especially if we are going to repeat training or meeting the next day. It is advisable to drink abundantly.

Finally I will answer the question that every amateur padel player will ask me when reading this post ... And the beers after playing? What's up with them?

Well, although it is evident that alcohol is not a good recuperator and is not recommended for an athlete, if the 3 phases of hydration (before, during and after exercise) are met and you replenish the water and electrolytes lost during exercise, There will be no problem if you later take a couple of beers with friends to discuss the best plays and anecdotes of the game.

I hope I have helped you in such an important topic for sports practice and in our case, the paddle, how is the hydration and any questions you have about it, do not hesitate to ask me.

Greetings and remember: Drink !! Drink lots of water !! Your body will thank you.

Alex Jordan

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