Where is the Button to 'restart' my head when the situation in a paddle match is overwhelming me? How can I 'start over' and go back to 'get into the game'? Fran Cintado, Bachelor of Psychology, National Tennis Monitor and psychological trainer of high performance athletes, speaks to us in his'Notes of Applied Psychology the Paddle ' about some very frequent situations in the competition in the paddle. 

Padel World Press .- The human body, according to some paradigms and psychological theories, functions as a system, with its inputs and outputs, its control processes and information processing, as well as its systems of self-regulation of behavior. If we 'see' it that way, it also has to have a 'System Reset Button', that is, with a mechanism so that the system stops working as it is doing and restarts normally.

For most of us, the Reset Button is the button that computers have to unlock the operating system when it stops working or when it starts to malfunction or to 'do weird things' ...

When we attend a paddle tennis competition, we observe how many male and female players get 'stuck', do not play fluently, nor do they approach the level they are supposed to ... But we do not know what to do in most cases.

It would be nice to know where this Reset Button is located in order to restart the system and return to playing paddle smoothly, without jams and knowing each step, controlling the situation, making the right decisions and maintaining an emotional and tactical balance that would allow us to develop our potential as athletes, or at least, get close to our training level of play.

The Reset Button exists

There is a possibility that our 'head' stops working erroneously and works again in a 'normal' way, or at least, as we would expect it to be. For that we must 'press the Reset Button' and return.

Each player must analyze and record the competition situations that cause him to 'lose' his mind and start the system to malfunction. If we determine these situations, we locate and identify the conditions that make our game start to decline and not be what we expect, we can stop the sequence ... With a simple 'Stop'.

It is about stopping the sequence of behaviors that lead us to malfunction of our system, of our game. If we identify these situations and train them over and over again, when we return to play a competitive match, we will be 'aware' of these situations and we will be able to:

 Identify - Stop - Restart

It happens in many competitions, especially in minors, that we let an uncomfortable match situation dominate us and prevent us from developing the game that we really want to do. That is why it is necessary and very important to train these situations that affect us in our game in a negative way.

We need to identify the wrong behaviors and behaviors that negatively affect us. Know which moments of the game are the most sensitive for me to 'get stuck', what are the most common mistakes that 'take me out of the game', what people and comments make that prevent me from playing 'loose' and not stiff, with my arm shrunk .

It is important to know yourself in order to stop these behaviors and stop them influencing me negatively in my game. If I locate the problem, I can stop the problem and try to solve it. But if I don't know where the problem is, I can't stop it or change it for a more adaptive and positive one that helps me in my game instead of hurting me.

Thus, once the problem is identified, we stop it and restart it, that is, 'we go back from scratch' ... We turn off and on the computer in our head and return to get into the meeting, so that the past is left behind and 'we mark a new starting line ', we reset (we press the RESET button) and we start again: a new point, a new attitude, we regain confidence, we return to focus and get 100% into the game.

Train how we compete and compete as we train

In order to know how to use this 'Reset Button' it is essential to work on all of the above in the daily workouts of the players and paddle players, so that this 'reset' is done automatically during the competition.

It is very important to train at the same level as when we compete, to analyze each shot, each point, each match situation, each tactic… As we would develop it during a real competition. We cannot perform and perform 'new' behaviors in a competition without having trained them many, many times during training.

There is an error in players, especially in very high level minors, that 'they do not need to vary anything' because they are already very, very good. However, most of the failures to pass to the professionalism of these children come from these types of players paddle. Because their professional pride, their 'status in the ranking' prevents them from recognizing past mistakes and restarting everything.

It is also necessary for this idea of ​​the Reset to work, that both parents, coaches and players go in the same line and work together in the same direction: Integral Training.

Above all, children have a lot to learn and if they acquire this Reset routine, they will improve more and more. They are 'sponges' and with a good orientation, work team and the support of the family and sports institutions, they can grow better and reach their goals.

And remember… DIVIÉRTETE ALWAYS playing paddle.

Fran Cintado

What is and how to use the paddle's 'Reset' button?

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