Padel World Press .- The most of 1.700 players that set a new record of participation and went to Alicante from 03 to September 09 to be part of the XXXIIª Edition of the Championship of Spain of Minors They surrendered with all their strength with the aim of achieving victory. As expected, thanks to their desire to have fun, and their tremendous enthusiasm, they took on the role of a vibrant day, marked by the magnificent atmosphere that can only be generated in these types of events.

The 'small big' promises of this wonderful sport wanted to be present in the capital of the Costa Blanca and they were able to live a week of vibrant competition, which was characterized by the great camaraderie shown by all the players ... At a sporting level, and how could it be otherwise, it became clear that equality is growing and what The future of this discipline in our country is more than guaranteed.

With regard to the finals, it should be noted that they were exciting and that they served to end an event full of unforgettable images.

The winners of the different Tables of the XXXIª Edition of the Championship of Spain of Minors disputed in Alicante were:

- Benjamin Male: J. Zamora - S. Rivas.

- Female Benjamin: A. López - J. Montes.

- Male Alevín: Gala Sánchez - Pineda Cabello

- Female Alevín: C. Fernández Sánchez - M. Arellano Navarro.

- Male Child: P. Cardona Huerta - P. Hernández Álvarez.

- Female Infant: L. Rodríguez - J. Velasco.

- Male Cadet: A. Coello - E. Goenaga.

- Female Cadet: M. Borrero - L. Rufo.

- Junior Male: A. Arroyo - E. Alonso.

- Junior Female: Martínez Ibáñez - Segura Aguilar.

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Brilliant point and final for this edition of the Championship of Spain of Minors... Once again, the National Circuit for Minors gave us, once again, the opportunity to enjoy paddle tennis in its purest form.

Image: Twitter of the Spanish Paddle Federation

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