Padel World Press .- To begin, I must say that for us it was a great pride to have for the first time in Japan two of the World Tops of this wonderful sport, as they are Matias Diaz and Marcello Jardim. Geographical distance makes it difficult for us to go often to see them and enjoy their charisma as professionals and as people. In addition, the language is also another small inconvenience for Japanese fans when it comes to being able to follow news and information about their idols. However, the clinics were a resounding success as more than a hundred fans approached during the two and a half days that these "formations" carried out in Tokyo, Tokorozawa and Chiba.

The attendees listened with great attention to the interpreter on duty, who instantly translated everything Mati and Marce said ... And nobody wanted to miss any advice from them ... The 'tricks' they had never heard before about technique and tactics, the anecdotes and the experiences of his professional career, ... If we had not put a 'limit' on the questions we could have spent hours and hours talking about paddle tennis. You can see the interest that exists in the fans who, at present, have very little information translated into Japanese.

At the end of each clinic, long lines were formed to approach Matías Díaz and Marcello Jardim and ask for their autographs, photos… And, of course, to see if they could get back on track with them and continue learning a little more.

On a personal level, I am very happy with the people who participated. They all understood the great effort made by these two professionals (immersed in the WPT season) and also the company StarVie, who opted for the Japanese market, offering the high quality of its products and services.

As President of the JPA, I want to take advantage of these lines that Oscar at Padel World Press gives me to thank Matías Diaz and Marcello Jardim for coming from so far, leaving aside their training and their families to share their experience and knowledge with us. Good people, gentle and disciplined, as is the taste of the Japanese. I can not forget Starvie and the distributor UI Sport since, without their collaboration, it would have been impossible to make this dream come true.

How did Matías Díaz and Marcello Jardim experience their time in Japan? I think that's better to ask them but I think they had a great time. It was the first time that both had set foot in Japan, so everything they saw, ate, experienced and felt was new to them. I would say that they liked Japanese culture a lot, that they had no problem trying Japanese food and I would even say that they liked it a lot… I think they got a good image from here.

In turn, I would highlight that they were pleasantly surprised to see the good technique that the fans had in general. Paddle is a sport that 4 entered years ago in Japan but in which many fans only carry 1 or 2 years of practice. If we start from that concept, the assistants demonstrated their abilities and, in that sense, the desire to learn with order and discipline of their idols seemed to have no end.

It should not be overlooked that we live an unforgettable day with two luxury guests: the Professor Yoichi Takahashi, the creator of oliver and benji and a total fan of paddle tennis, a sport that he practices every week, and Miguel Ángel Lotina, manager of the Tokyo Verdy soccer club, who also plays it with his wife.

Very satisfied with the clinic was Professor Takahashi, who was able to enter the court with Matías Díaz and Marcello Jardim and experienced some of their magical plays in the first person. We think that he was even more excited about the idea of ​​drawing a paddle manga but, in any case, it would be a long-term project because at the moment he is starting with his new series of 'Captain Tsubasa' (Oliver and Benji in Spain), So it has a lot of work ... But we dream that one day it will be our turn for him to draw us a series of paddle tennis animation ... It would be fabulous !!

We have several JPA activities planned for this year. The National Circuit will be launched next month (Japan Padel Tour 2018), which will feature 17 Opens and several Challengers.

At the end of May we will have a new visit from the teachers Jorge Nicolini and Maximo Castellote, to continue with the Monitor Courses in Japan.

In June the Qualifying Phase for the World Cup in Paraguay will arrive, where we will face Australia in the Asia Pacific Zone. If we pass the qualifying round, we will have a place in the World Championship.

There are also several clubs interested in mounting more paddle tennis courts in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, etc, and, along with that, several important Japanese companies are interested in our sport. At this point I do not want to overtake much.

For next year, we want to do the III Asian Padel Tournament in Japan, where we will invite the countries we have visited and some that are being established as a Federation in Asia Pacific.

koji nakatsuka

Matías Díaz and Marcello Jardim: Two 'stars' that conquer Japan Matías Díaz and Marcello Jardim: Two 'stars' that conquer Japan

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Padel World Press is an online newspaper dedicated to the world of paddle tennis, which, during 24 hours a day, will be in charge of offering the last hour of the second most practiced sport in Spain. News, interviews, reports, analysis ... All fans can enjoy the paddle from a new point of view, always under the seriousness, journalistic rigor and knowledge of a team with more than a decade of experience in the world of paddle.